Enum AccessibleRole

Enum Documentation

enum class slint::testing::AccessibleRole

This enum represents the different values for the accessible-role property, used to describe the role of an element in the context of assistive technology such as screen readers.


enumerator None

The element isn’t accessible.

enumerator Button

The element is a Button or behaves like one.

enumerator Checkbox

The element is a CheckBox or behaves like one.

enumerator Combobox

The element is a ComboBox or behaves like one.

enumerator Groupbox

The element is a GroupBox or behaves like one.

enumerator List

The element is a ListView or behaves like one.

enumerator Slider

The element is a Slider or behaves like one.

enumerator Spinbox

The element is a SpinBox or behaves like one.

enumerator Tab

The element is a Tab or behaves like one.

enumerator TabList

The element is similar to the tab bar in a TabWidget.

enumerator TabPanel

The element is a container for tab content.

enumerator Text

The role for a Text element. It’s automatically applied.

enumerator Table

The role for a TableView or behaves like one.

enumerator Tree

The role for a TreeView or behaves like one. (Not provided yet)

enumerator ProgressIndicator

The element is a ProgressIndicator or behaves like one.

enumerator TextInput

The role for widget with editable text such as a LineEdit or a TextEdit

enumerator Switch

The element is a Switch or behaves like one.

enumerator ListItem

The element is an item in a ListView.